Tuesday, May 08, 2007

sucker for nature

Please excuse my girlie, O'Keefe-wannabe posting of tulips and lilacs and an unidentified species of lily. I also like trees and spring colors and blue jays, I left out the pictures of squirrels and any gratuitous cuteness from my dog, Speedy. All of these photos were taken in Fort Tryon Park, in northern Manhattan. My dog woke me up at 6 am and dragged me up here last weekend, and I'm glad he did. Usually you'll find me taking pictures at rock shows or taking blurry, tipsy, embarrassing photos at parties, but I decided I should try my hand at a little nature photography to make me a more balanced person who occasionally puts her drink down and sees the light of day and a flower every now and then.

FYI I use a Panasonic Lumix DMC F27 for any who have asked in the past. What sets it apart as a trusty digital camera that doesn't exactly fit in my pocket is the beautiful Leica lens. It's pretty bulky for a lil' ol' point-and-shoot, but that's what you get when you want a better lens.

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